
Tuesday 25 July 2017

Learn from your mstakes

Most parents eat and
Like fishes and some
Parents like washing
A Lot of dirty dishes
Make your dream there's
plenty of wishes but first
I would have to do the dishes

1. Write on topic independently.
2. Follow the rules for grammar.
3. Reread and edit my work.


Unknown said...

Annyeonghaseyo Sive
I have learnt alot from making mistakes this is a very good topic. My poem is about how our life is and how mistakes are apart of our life it's a very good experience. Have you learnt from your mistakes?

Unknown said...

Hello Mya, yes I have made a mistake and have learned from it. I will tell you my mistake I did not wash the dishes and my mum made me do more so yes I have learnt from my mistakes I would have to wash the dishes everyday.

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